Types of Diamond

The four Cs of diamonds (color, clarity, carat and cut) lead to classifications based on the grading attributes of diamonds rather than any scientific factors.

That’s fine from a standard buyer’s perspective. However, those in the diamond business don’t talk about “types of diamonds” in these terms.

When they classify diamonds, they do so on the basis of their physical and chemical attributes. This helps them assess how a diamond was formed, its authenticity, and whether it has been treated. So, the technical “types of diamonds” classification system is basically as follows:

These four types of diamonds are the main technical classifications. However, it’s more complicated than this. A single diamond can have more than one classification under the technical system.

You don’t need to know too much about this. Just be aware that when you’re talking about diamond types and when a diamond expert is talking about diamond types, you’re not necessarily on the same page!

Types of diamond names for casual shoppers

Okay, now you know what you need to know about the technical stuff, onto how most shoppers will classify different types of diamonds.

Most people in the market for diamonds will classify them according to the following basic names (or variations of them):

Ready to choose your perfect diamond?

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